That Meg Cabot..
She's got alot of new books coming up. Here they are:

It's the start of a new school term - and trouble's already brewing for one disaster-prone princess. On top of Mrs. Martinez daring to suggest that Mia's 'not ready' for Advanced Creative Writing, Grandmere is being booted out of the Plaza during renovations. Can any other hotel in the world live up to Grandmere's standards? As if! But Mia's problems fade to nothing when she hears the most terrible news of all. Michael might be Japan! Can Mia's perfect prince really love her if he can go away for a year? Or is being halfway around the world from Mia just what Michael needs right now?

Size 14 Isn’t Fat Either (Size 12 2) – December 24 2006
It's the first day of winter semester at New York College, and assistant dorm director Heather Wells has a lot more to worry about than roomate conflicts: One of the New York College cheerleaders has lost her head--literally-- in the Fisher Hall cafeteria, and no one can find the rest of her.

GOOD BYE, LIGHTNING GIRL! All Jessica Mastriani—a problem teen, according to her high school guidance counselor--ever wanted was to be normal. But all of that changed during a walk home on a particularly stormy day. And suddenly, Jess realized she never knew how good she'd had it before. Becoming known worldwide as Lighting Girl—a psychic who could find the location of anyone, dead or alive—Jess had no choice but finally to embrace her lack of normalcy, and eventually ended up lending her newfound talent to the US government. But her work for them has taken a terrible toll, and Jess returns home months later a shadow of her former self, her powers gone, Lightning Girl no more. But Jess knows her powers aren't the only thing that's gone: she's lost herself, as well. Starting over in a new town, intent on finding a new life in college, Jess is less than happy when Rob Wilkins, her ex, shows up at her door, begging for her help in finding his long lost sister. But how can Jess, her powers gone, find anyone—let alone the sister of a man she once loved--when she can't even find herself?

Princess On The Brink (PD 8) – January 2 2007
It's the start of a new school term - and trouble's already brewing for one disaster-prone princess. On top of Mrs. Martinez daring to suggest that Mia's 'not ready' for Advanced Creative Writing, Grandmere is being booted out of the Plaza during renovations. Can any other hotel in the world live up to Grandmere's standards? As if! But Mia's problems fade to nothing when she hears the most terrible news of all. Michael might be Japan! Can Mia's perfect prince really love her if he can go away for a year? Or is being halfway around the world from Mia just what Michael needs right now?
Pants On Fire – May 1 2007
Queen of Babble in the Big City (QOB 2) – June 2007
Avalon High: Coronation, The Merlin Prophecy (Manga), (1/3) - July 3 2007
Jinx – September 2007
Princess Diaries 9 (Title To Come) – January 2008
Big Boned (Size 12 3) – January 2008
Queen of Babble Gets Hitched (3) – June 2008
Forever Princess (PD 10) - January 2009
That's all for now.
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